Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Gems and Jewellery in Ahmedabad: Real Gemstones in India

Gems and Jewellery in Ahmedabad: Real Gemstones in India: When it comes to gemstone we are very precise of buying it. If you are thinking to buy online then you should buy through Aaditya Gems ...

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Gems and Jewellery in Ahmedabad: Real Gemstones in India

Gems and Jewellery in Ahmedabad: Real Gemstones in India: When it comes to gemstone we are very precise of buying it. If you are thinking to buy online then you should buy through Aaditya Gems ...

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Real Gemstones in India

When it comes to gemstone we are very precise of buying it. If you are thinking to buy online then you should buy through Aaditya Gems and Jewellery wholesaler producer Real Gemstones in India.

We are providing gemstones with certificate and they also provide home delivery service in all over India.

When you buy from our online store you have so many benefits, that it's not even fair to compare with buying at the  trade fair or in person.

Those who are in ahmedabad or near but and wanted to visit office you can sit in Ahmedabad office and buy gems directly. You don't need to ask about  stone treatments and origin, since it's always disclosed.

You can  instantly compare price per carat or per piece, and always get the best deal. You can ask for certification as well.

Kindly visit online store here.

For inquiry: aadityagemsjewellery@gmail.com

Monday, 16 May 2016

Gems and Jewellery in Ahmedabad: List of Precious Gemstones

Gems and Jewellery in Ahmedabad: List of Precious Gemstones: What Is A Precious Stone? What is the difference between precious stones and semi precious stones? These terms are based on old tradition...

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

List of Precious Gemstones

What Is A Precious Stone? What is the difference between precious stones and semi precious stones? These terms are based on old traditions from the west. These days, all gemstones are considered precious since they are all rare and there is a limited supply of them.

The traditional list of gemstones that are considered precious stones are:


 The four precious gemstone are the most famous at it is very valuable stones. We will give you the list of semi-precious stones as well. There are more of it which you can choose from our collections.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Carnelian/Semi Precious Stones

Carnelian- Like the unexpected fire of a sunset, or the first flash of autumn brilliance, Carnelian captivates. Its bold energy brings a rush of warmth and joy that lingers, stimulating and empowering. Known as a stone of motivation and endurance, leadership and courage, Carnelians have protected and inspired throughout history.

Retail Price  811.75Rs.–2,460.75Rs.

Inquire at: aadityagemsjewellery@gmail.com

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Gems and Jewellery in Ahmedabad: Precious Gemstones

Gems and Jewellery in Ahmedabad: Precious Gemstones: There are so many suppliers  and merchant for a precious gemstone around India but did you ever put trust on them specially if you are bu...

Gems and Jewellery in Ahmedabad: Precious Gemstones

Gems and Jewellery in Ahmedabad: Precious Gemstones: There are so many suppliers  and merchant for a precious gemstone around India but did you ever put trust on them specially if you are bu...

Monday, 18 April 2016

Precious Gemstones

There are so many suppliers  and merchant for a precious gemstone around India but did you ever put trust on them specially if you are buying online?

I think before you buy you will cross check of it. You will do all the background check to make sure they are trustworthy, provide genuine third party certification and the person you are dealing with is qualified and good to communicate with.

 Finally, let’s say for simplicity sake that, they are all providing you similar specifications about precious gemstones you want wither its diamond emerlad etc. (in terms of color, clarity and cut) with similar metal setting & ring design.  So, how do you check and know which of these options is the best one?  The answer should be a simple one right? It should be the cheapest one. We are not here to force or pushing ourselves that you will only come to us but because of genuinely and we are selling  genuine products and with certification. So why continue bothering and looking at others were it just a waste of your time. Instead come and visit our office or you can contact our personnel to assist you.

 Email at : aadityagemsjewellery@gmail.com

 Visit our Website: http://www.aadityagemsandjewellery.com/

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Gems and Jewellery in Ahmedabad: Gemstone in India

Gems and Jewellery in Ahmedabad: Gemstone in India: http://www.aadityagemsandjewellery.com/ Emerald Gemstone we provided Qualitative and excellent Gemstones in India. All ...

Friday, 1 April 2016

Gemstone in India


Emerald Gemstone

we provided Qualitative and excellent Gemstones in India. All gemstones are Astrological Gemstones.

Why  Emerald Gemstone??


Image result for emerald stone benefits
emerald, Gemstone is also known as panna. Wearing an emerald Gemstone can give a huge edge in relation to the communication skills. It is a gemstone that can help with speech difficulties, respiratory troubles, allergies and nervous disorders.

This Stone Also Helps children who cannot concentrate properly in their Studies and their focus is Diverted can benefit from wearing a Panna gemstone Panna Emerald Gemstone it increases focus and concentration in individuals, especially children.

  • EMERALD ( Panna ) Gemstone reduces mental stress and keeps blood circulation normal and regular. It develops tolerance and mental stability in the native.

  • This gemstone Can be used for academic excellence, concentration, intelligence and educational achievements.

    This Gemstone  gives a peaceful and harmonious married life

    For more details visit  http://www.aadityagemsandjewellery.com

    We provided all gemstone @ wholesale price with certificate

    any kind of inquiry contact Now on 9978979248- aadityagemsjewellery@gmail.com


    Tuesday, 8 March 2016

    Gemstone in India


    A gemstone or gem is a piece of mineral crystal, which, in cut and polished form, is used to make jewelry or other adornments. , certain rocks or organic materials that are not minerals are also used for jewelry, and are therefore often considered to be gemstones as well, Most gemstones are hard, but some soft minerals are used in jewelry because of their luster or other physical properties that have aesthetic value.

    In modern usage the precious stones are diamond, ruby, sapphire and emerald, with all other gemstones being semi-precious.All stones have different values and different quality and benefits.

    In modern times gemstones are identified by gemologists, who describe gems and their characteristics using technical terminology specific to the field of gemology.Gemstones are classified into different groups, species, and varieties. e.g ruby is the red variety of the species corundum, while any other color of corundum is considered sapphire 


    For any inquiry or more details about Gemstone  click here

    contact now on 9978979248-aadityagemsjewellery@gmail.com

    gemstone in india

    Gemstones  are an integral part of human history, representing wealth and power as well as being ascribed qualities both genuine and superstitious.

    Now days every body wants to wear their lucky stone to achieve happiness and success in their life’s. But its very difficult to know which Gemstone to wear to get success in life or for any other reasons. It is very important to read your horoscope properly for your selective Gemstone to wear. You must be thinking if you should wear yellow sapphire or blue sapphire / which will be the beneficial. Some times you want a gemstone for your health problems or any other problems related to you life and family.

    Which Gemstone relates to which Planet ?

    Every planet relates to a particular Gemstone or we say every Gemstone has the power of their representative Planet like…
    Ruby for Sun, Pearl for Moon, Red Coral for Mars, Emerald for Mercury, Yellow Sapphire for Jupiter, Diamond for Venus and Blue Sapphire for Saturn.

    How to decide ,which Gemstone to wear??

    There is a very simple logic to wear Gemstone is to keep that planets maximum effects with you by wearing the Gemstone. If you want any of your particular Planets maximum effect on your body and life, you can wear the related Gemstone. Related Gemstone will maximize the effects of those particular planets in your life.

    It means if you wear the Gemstone of a benefic planet according to your horoscope, you will gain more benefits from that planet, but if you wear the Gemstone of a malefic planet you may be in trouble as you have increase the power of your enemy planet.

    Now if you are really worried about, which Gemstone you should wear you must get your horoscope read by expert Astrologer of Gemology.


    For any inquiry or more details about Gemstone  click here


    contact now on 9978979248-aadityagemsjewellery@gmail.com


    Real Gemstone in India


    Every body wants to wear their best stone to achieve happiness and success in their life. But its very difficult to know which Gemstone to wear to get success in life. It is very important to wear real and genuine  Gemstone for getting best result.

    Gemstone wear in which finger??

    Ring Finger

    Ring finger relates to Planet Sun and Mars, so wear Ruby [ manik ] and Red Coral [ Moonga ] in Ring Finger for wants to axpected result from the gemstone.

    Middle finger

    This finger relates to Planet Saturn,Venus and Rahu. So representative Gemstones are Blue Sapphire [ Neelam ], Diamon [ Heera ] and hessonite [ Gomed ] should be worn in Middle finger.

    Small Finger

    Small finger relates to Planets Mercury, Venus, Moon and ketu. So representative Gemstones Emerald [ Panna ], Diamond [ Heera ], Pearl [ Moti ] and Cat’s Eye [ Lehsunia ] can be worn in small finger.

    Index Finger

    It is the finger of Planet Jupiter [ Guru ]. Yellow Sapphire – Pukhraj Gemstone is the Gemstone of Planet Jupiter

    want genuine or real gemstones with lab certificate at reasonable price,  call 9978979248 or email us at aadityagemsjewellery@gmail.com


    Tuesday, 2 February 2016

    Gems and Jewellery in Ahmedabad/Semi-Precious Gemstone


    Any gemstone that is not a diamond, ruby, sapphire or emerald is considered a semiprecious stone. This is not to say these gems are less valuable or desirable than precious stones, but in most cases, they are considered “semi” precious simply because they are more abundant. In fact, this terminology was started in the West for marketing purposes and is no longer in favor—now it is more common to refer to semiprecious and precious stones as “gemstones.”

    What are semi-precious stones?



    A semi-precious stone is also known as a gem or gemstone (also a jewel, a gem, a precious stone), which is a portion of mineral, which, in refined and cut form, is used to create jewelry or other embellishments. There are also organic resources or precise rocks that are not minerals (for example jet or amber) that are also used for jewelry and would also be considered to be gemstones, as well.

    What are gemstones?

    A gemstone is a precious or a semi-precious stone used in jewelry. Gemologists identify gemstones. They label gems in the arena of gemology using practical language and their features. A gemologist uses the gemstone’s chemical arrangement to classify it. For instance, diamonds are made of carbon (C). Many gems are categorized by a crystal system because they are crystals. Gemstones are classified into different varieties, species, and groups. They are also characterized in terms of dispersion, hardness, specific gravity, refractive index, luster, fracture, and cleavage. Flaws in a stone are known as inclusions.

    Most famous semi precious gemstone that is  available in our online shops 





    Monday, 11 January 2016

    Gems and Jewellery/Four Famous Precious Gemstones

    We listed the most famous precious gemstones, details provided below. 1. Diamond - The most popular of all gemstones. Has the highest valued among other precious stones, which takes millions of years to form. diamond The name itself is derived from the Greek word “adamus,” which means “invincible.” Diamonds are typically colorless, but yellow, brown, green, gray, black, pink, blue, red, and purple stones can also be found along the diamond color spectrum. Jewelry-grade diamonds are rated based on color from bluish-white to yellow, and on clarity, which ranges from pure to various levels of flawed. 2. Emerald - is a gemstone and a variety of the mineral beryl colored green by trace amounts of chromium and sometimes vanadium. Beryl has a hardness of 7.5–8 on the Mohs scale.Most emeralds are highly included, so their toughness (resistance to breakage) is classified as generally poor. It is a cyclosilicate. emerald Emerald opens and nurtures the heart and the Heart Chakra. Its soothing energy provides healing to all levels of the being, bringing freshness and vitality to the spirit. A stone of inspiration and infinite patience, it embodies unity, compassion and unconditional love. Emerald promotes friendship, balance between partners, and is particularly known for providing domestic bliss, contentment and loyalty. It was dedicated in the ancient world to the goddess Venus for its ability to insure security in love 3. Ruby - The ruby is a pink to deep red precious gemstone. The name comes from the Latin word for red, ruber. ruby Rubies are said to attract good luck for the wearer. Ancient Hindus believed rubies were a sign of protection from evil. Today, the ruby has come to symbolize love and passion. Rubies were also highly prized by ancient Chinese warriors who were known to wear rubies on their armor. Most rubies today are mined in Africa and Southeast Asia. The largest mined ruby weighing in at four pounds, the Liberty Bell Ruby, was stolen in a heist in 2011. The ruby is the birthstone for July. See our photo gallery of ruby jewelry. 4. Sapphire - Sapphires come in a variety of colors, but are mostly associated with blue hues. A sapphire of another color, like pink, white or yellow, is generally called a fancy sapphire. sapphire The blue sapphire represents peace and serenity. It is seen many times in ancient religious writing to symbolize purity, wisdom, loyalty and faith. Sapphires are mined throughout Africa and Asia, but can be found in Australia and the U.S. The sapphire is the birthstone for September. See our photo gallery of sapphire jewelry. All precious gemstone that listed above are available in Aaditya Jewellery online shops. For inquiry you can send email at: aadityagemsjewellery@gmail.com

    Saturday, 9 January 2016

    Gems and Jewellery in Ahmedabad/ Rudraksh

    Gems and Jewellery/Rudraksh


    Meaning of Rudraksh

    The word Rudraksh literally means “tears of Shiva”. There are many legends in Indian scriptures and mythology that describe the divine origin of the Rudraksh tree. According to one legend, Shiva sat in meditation for many millennia with his eyes closed. Upon opening his eyes, he shed tears of ecstasy, which fell to the earth and became the holy Rudraksh tree. Rudraksh beads were Shiva’s gift to the world. 

    Benefits of Rudraksh

    Rudraksh’s curative properties have been utilized worldwide for a number of physical, mental and psychosomatic illnesses. They are very supportive for maintaining physical and mental balance. They aid in creating an atmosphere conductive for restful sleep in unfamiliar environments.

    For spiritual seekers, Rudraksh plays a supportive role in enhancing one’s spiritual growth. Some of the esoteric benefits ascribed to Rudraksh include enhancement of intuition, infusion of tranquility of the mind, assistance in meditation, purification of the aura, cleansing of the seven chakras, formation of a protective sheath around a person, providing protection against injury or negative and distorted energies, and development of dispassion and detachment 

    Who can wear a Rudraksh ?

    Anyone, irrespective of gender, cultural, ethnic, geographical, or religious background can wear Rudraksh. Rudraksh can be worn by children, students, the elderly, ill etc. for special benefits. They are intended for persons at any stage in life irrespective of mental and/or physical condition.

    Selecting a Rudraksh

    Rudraksh in their natural state have their own energies that are very beneficial to the wearer. However, Rudraksh can also be specially consecrated to enhance the impact upon the wearer.


    Rudraksh is available in our online shops 




     Inquiry  on aadityagemsjewellery@gmail.com


    Gems and Jewellery in Ahmedabad/Precious Gemstone/

    Gems and Jewellery/Precious Gemstone

    Precious stones are defined as visually appealing gemstones created from rocks or minerals. Often used for jewelry and fashion accents, this term was created in the mid-1800’s to refer to four specific stones; diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires. All precious stones are translucent and are valued by the richness of their color, except for the diamond, which has a higher value based on being colorless.

    Their rarity, beauty, and method in which they are produced all add to the allure of a precious stone. Any accessory containing a precious stone would be deemed sophisticated and worn by someone of high class. 

    Here are the list of most famous precious gemstone that is also available in our online shops  

    Diamond-is the most popular of all gemstones. The diamond is the highest valued precious stone, which takes millions of years to form. A diamond is a mineral compound made of pure carbon and is the hardest natural substance on the planet. Diamonds are so strong, they can only be cut or polished by another diamond. The name itself is derived from the Greek word “adamus,” which means “invincible.” Diamonds are typically colorless, but yellow, brown, green, gray, black, pink, blue, red, and purple stones can also be found along the diamond color spectrum. Jewelry-grade diamonds are rated based on color from bluish-white to yellow, and on clarity, which ranges from pure to various levels of flawed.


    Emerald  is a gemstone and a variety of the mineral beryl colored green by trace amounts of chromium and sometimes vanadium. Beryl has a hardness of 7.5–8 on the Mohs scale.Most emeralds are highly included, so their toughness (resistance to breakage) is classified as generally poor. It is a cyclosilicate.


    Image result for image of ruby stone

    Ruby – The ruby is a pink to deep red precious gemstone. The name comes from the Latin word for red, ruber. Rubies are said to attract good luck for the wearer. Ancient Hindus believed rubies were a sign of protection from evil. Today, the ruby has come to symbolize love and passion. Rubies were also highly prized by ancient Chinese warriors who were known to wear rubies on their armor. Most rubies today are mined in Africa and Southeast Asia. The largest mined ruby weighing in at four pounds, the Liberty Bell Ruby, was stolen in a heist in 2011. The ruby is the birthstone for July. See our photo gallery of ruby jewelry.



    Sapphire – Sapphires come in a variety of colors, but are mostly associated with blue hues. A sapphire of another color, like pink, white or yellow, is generally called a fancy sapphire. The blue sapphire represents peace and serenity. It is seen many times in ancient religious writing to symbolize purity, wisdom, loyalty and faith. Sapphires are mined throughout Africa and Asia, but can be found in Australia and the U.S. The sapphire is the birthstone for September. See our photo gallery of sapphire jewelry.All precious gemstone that listed above are available in Aaditya Jewellery online shops.


    All precious gemstone that listed above are available in Aaditya Jewellery online shops.

    For inquiry you can send email at: aadityagemsjewellery@gmail.com


    Monday, 4 January 2016

    Introduction to Best Gems and Jewellery in ahmedabad

    gemstone or gem (also called a fine gemjewel, or a precious or semi-precious stone) is a piece of mineral crystal, which, in cut and polished form, is used to make jewelry or other adornments

    Jewellery consists of small decorative items worn for personal adornment, such as broochesringsnecklacesearrings, and bracelets.

    Aaditya Gems & Jewellery is the leading supplier of best quality, Real and Genuine Gemstones and Jewellery in Ahmedabad.